For legal professionals

Empowering you to fully represent
your clients in the digital realm...

At Token Recovery, our proven expertise with Blockchain investigations allows us to help your firm when a legal case requires the recovery of a contested digital asset. Our team of experienced and fully trained Blockchain specialists will assist you in locating, verifying and recovering any assets for your clients.

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We are the team of legal experts in the
digital assets field...

Our team of seasoned legal professionals and crypto investigators specializes in the recovery of lost or stolen crypto-assets, offering a comprehensive solution for law firms and legal entities.

Leveraging the expertise of skilled lawyers and Blockchain analytics specialists, we navigate the complexities of recovering digital assets lost through theft, hacks, or negligence.

From tracing the assets on the Blockchain to obtaining necessary legal titles, we provide tailored services to assist clients in regaining control and securing their crypto holdings.

Our partners...